Ritter und Klopse, Warte für Kunst, Kassel, 2012

A Knife and a honeypot
don't go along so far
the sword put on hold
finds the nail too bold
the yellow dot
Pardon my french
goes to an orgy
in red my friend!

Crisp, grasp to the left
over, overwhelm my land
Oh ho! Hold your breath
all your freedom gained by theft!

Sir Mortimer: "The cherry please And one of you!"
The lemon blushes
the sugar crushes
and when the whiskey rushes
a dog eats diamonds with a spoon, the fool!

The holy grail went insane, not to blame
The queens knife rolls in surprise
the jelly bean's fainting
regardless of the painting
and all that cuty pies
tied up in colored lies
foggy fight today on the front line.

William Knaack und Martin Sommer

"Ritter und Klopse"

Warte für Kunst
Frankfurter Str. 54
34121 Kassel
13.07 - 23.07.12

About me

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Martin Sommer Geb.: 02.08.79 Ort: Berlin
Studium: 2010/2011 Meisterschüler Friederike Feldmann 2009/2010 Bildende Kunst, Friederike Feldmann Kunsthochschule Kassel 2008/2009 Bildende Kunst, Erwin Bohatsch, Akademie der Künste Wien 2004/2008 Bildende Kunst, Kunsthochschule Kassel Prof. Jürgen Meyer, Prof. Bernhardt Prinz, Prof. Jörn Stoya
Preise: 2006 Birgitt-Bolsmann-Preis für Malerei
Auslandsaufenthalte: 2002/2003 - Anderer Dienst im Ausland, Hohepa Homes ChCh/ New Zealand 2000/2001 - Europäischer Freiwilligen Dienst, Solidarité Jeunesse, Auvergne, Frankreich
Gruppen- & Einzelausstellungen:
2012 Ritter und Klopse, Warte für Kunst, Kassel
2012 Angel One, Rita Brian Satelitenraum, Berlin
2011 Solos II, Ozean Berlin, Atelierhof Kreuzberg 2011 Verwandtschaft, Ozean Berlin, Atelierhof Kreuzberg (Einzelausstellung) 2011 Kunst, Salonexhibitiion, Vienna, Austria 2011 Barbie of Sevilla, Artist Unlimeted, Bielefeld, DE 2011 Non-Permanent, Holden Gallery, Manchester, UK 2010 Non-Permanent, Stellwerk Kassel, DE 2010 Croxhapox, Gent, Belgium 2010 Examen 2010, Documentahalle Kassel 2010 Kunstkreis Schloß Holte “Glöckchen klingt, Batman stinkt“, DE 2010 Kunsthochschule Kassel in Vertretung bei der Vizepräsidentin der Uni Kassel, DE 2009 Share to the Project of Pavel Altheimer and others, Secession, Vienna, Austria -”Hundehütte” 2009 Ausstellungsprojekte im Rauchsalon Vienna, Austria - Fingere - Berg borgen - drei 2008 Goldener Pudelclub, Hamburg, DE 2008 „product“, Festival of Contemporary Art Varna, Bulgaria 2007 Openspace Kassel, DE 2007 Galerie Loyal - „loyal rooftops“, Kassel, DE 2007 Alte Feuerwache, Erzeugt Unsinn: Von der Notwendigkeit des Handelns, Collogne,DE 2006 „Mal!Sau - Marotten und andere Notwendigkeiten der Malerei“, Stellwerk Kassel DE 2006 ARS 06 Collaboraton on Site, Kiasma, Helsinki, Finland 2005 B3 Kulturbahnhof Kassel, DE 2005 Stellwerk „Salon Central“, KasselDE 2004 „Broken Pieces“ Transform Berlin Friedrichshain, DE (Einzelausstellung) 2000 „Was kommt nach Schimansky?“, 508YAG, Berlin-Kreuzberg, DE 1999 Rathaus Pankow, Berlin, DE

Tetrapak, Berlin, 2011

Small things, objects, everydays things which follow you through the day, although you don't notice them. Often there have a very simple architecture or design. Practical, useful. But to invent them somebody put a lot of effort into them, a lot of thinking. I used a Tetrapak as a model. I paint Tetrapaks, cause there have simple forms, but offer me a platform to perform the idea of painting. Though I can explore and face problems of Painting within the Idea of a Tetrapak. A Tetrapak is box for milk, juice and other fluids you find in every supermarket. Sometimes the inside is covered with aluminium which gives it a shiny silver surface. Though the Idea behind a Tetra Pak is to offer a simple, practical, cheap and safe solution to transport fluids to the consument. Thats my subject in the moment. It is nothing big or extraordinary special, whatsoever but interesting to me and i find a sort of beauty in it. Before I used a Tetra Pak as part of material for assemblages and collages, cause i wanted to transform it into something else, as a part of an image, a dot of color, a space between another line. I want to give it another role in life, maybe another kind of value.